We are once again experiencing uncertain times and alarmingly this time, our little people are being affected. I can’t help feeling that if wearing masks is mandatory to keep anyone older than twelve safe, why are we not also doing something to keep our little people safe?
I have a very precious little two year old granddaughter and I am absolutely amazed by what she has learned to do in the two years since her birth. If she can learn to do all that she has, wearing a mask should be child’s play! And there-in lies the secret – child’s play! If we can make wearing a mask a fun game, something we do with our family at home, then wearing one in the community when we need to, won’t be a problem. Remember too, little people strive to do what big people do. If everyone else in the family is wearing a mask, then they will want to wear one too!
Some ideas:
- Have masks out in a designated spot and any family member can call out “Mask Time!” Everyone stops what they are doing and races to put on their mask. Do this often to begin with and ensure that everyone can put their own mask on for themselves or have some help in the beginning. Be sure to let little ones get a head start – the key is fun! Lavish all attempts and efforts with praise!
- Masks & bath time! Just for fun, wear masks in the bath! Positively praise!
- Masks & ‘Wiggles’ time. Wear masks while watching the Wiggles, or any other favourite TV programme. Positively praise!
- Masks & reading time. Wear masks while listening to a story. Positively praise!
- Masks & puzzles. Wear masks while doing a puzzle. Positively praise!
- Masks & scooters/bikes. Wear masks while riding scooters or bikes at home. Positively praise!
- Masks & buggy/walks/scooters/bikes. Wear masks in buggies, walking, riding scooters or bikes in the community. Positively praise!
- Masks anywhere, anytime, independently! Positively praise self-management!
Please feel free to share any opportunities that your family find, to promote and encourage mask wearing. We would love to hear about them. Send us your pics too!