Nearly a year ago I became a granny for the first time and it was for me, the most profoundly overwhelming life changing experience. I still vividly recall as I held my little granddaughter in my arms for the first time, the intense love and wonderment I felt as I gazed into her perfect little face, marveling at the miracle of life.
Covid-19 lockdown has undeniably been difficult for many and sadly, eighteen families to date have lost loved ones. But what about our precious little newborn babies, born during Covid-19 lockdown?
These little babies have continued to be born in hospitals around the country, without the support systems usually available to them. Soon after, they have been hurried home to very restrictive ‘bubbles’.
Becoming a new parent is a wondrous experience but once you are doing it alone, undeniably challenging and even scary at times. There is no blue-print to follow other than the language of your screaming little newborn - I’m hungry, wet, soiled, hot, cold, frightened, in pain! How difficult though, when you don’t yet understand the language! Throw into the mix ‘latching’ problems, sleep deprivation and possibly a caesarean operation to recover from . . . well understandably, maybe not the rewarding experience first time parents were anticipating!
Pre Covid-19 lockdown, many new parents were blessed with the support of family and friends. Someone else to hold the baby, burp the baby, take the baby for a walk, do some washing, provide some easily reheated meals or baking. Someone to talk to and revel in this new little life – grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends. But during Covid-19 lockdown, restrictive ‘bubbles’ have sadly denied this support.
Parents of newborn babies are soldiering on as best they can – can you imagine how difficult this must be? Spare a thought too for first time grandparents, denied the opportunity to hold, cuddle and cherish this new and precious little miracle in the way that I did, a year ago.
To all of these wonderful new mums and dads, we salute you! Please know that even though we are unable to help you in any practical way, you are very much in our thoughts and we hope that very soon, your ‘bubble’ will be extended!
If you or someone you know living in Christchurch is in this situation, please message me as I would love to send them a little grannylove gift, to acknowledge the wonderful job they are doing.